All information presented on this site is for informational and educational purposes only. While the TSNs VCoP uses reasonable efforts to ensure that the material on this site is accurate and timely, it makes no representations or warrantees as to the accuracy, timeliness, completeness or fitness of this information for any purpose. Further the TSNs VCoP cannot be held liable for errors or omissions in this information or for the results from using this information. The reader and /or participant assume full responsibility for any actions taken based on any information obtained from this site. In using this web site you agree that its information and products / services are provided ā€œas isā€ or ā€œas availableā€ without representations, warranties or conditions of any kind, express or implied and that you use this site at your own risk. The TSNs VCoP is not responsible or liable for the suitability, accuracy, reliability or validity of this site for any purpose. Please remember that as a healthcare professional you are still subject to all privacy and confidentiality laws and where applicable, ethics requirements of your regulating colleges and / or organizations of which you work for. There should be no mention of patient names or descriptive information that can lead to identification of patients /persons on this site. You must have read and agree to this disclaimer prior to using the site.